Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Stan and I went to the Solomon R. Guggenheim museum to see the Giacometti sculpture exhibit.  We were coming from different directions, and he texted me when I was about three blocks away.  "It's closed!"  Oh no!  Turns out that the Guggenheim is open on Mondays when most other New York museums are closed.  We just never checked to see when this museum was open.  The Guggenheim museum is an iconic building, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and it opened in 1959.  It was founded as the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, and included early modernists such as Rudolf Bauer, Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Marc Chagall, Robert Delaunay, Fernand Léger, Amedeo Modigliani and Pablo Picasso.

I have not been here in at least 15 years.  Most of the exhibits I have seen are at the Met, the Whitney, and at MoMA.  So I was looking forward to seeing the exhibit and seeing the inside of the building again.  This is not an easy building to photograph, with a light pole on the corner and so much traffic parks on side streets.  There even were two food trucks, of all things, parked on the sidewalk in front of the museum!


Anonymous said...

I remember Betsey and I going there with you as our guide so many years ago. Sorry you found it closed. One more trip into the City for you and Stan.

Anonymous said...

I do remember several family members walking around NYC and visiting the Guggenheim. I don't remember what exhibits we saw but I do remember walking around the curved walkways. betsey

Ken Spencer said...

I remember we went to the Whitney, further down 5th avenue, to see the Gee's Bend Quilts. I am foggy on the trip to the Guggenheim. That must have been some time ago!