Saturday, October 21, 2023

Fun With Photography!

I loved working with models for fashion photography. I was terrified the first time I had a big four day fall fashion shoot. Edie Smith, the producer of the shoot would go to the shows, pick the clothing and the accessories and it would be shipped to our site.  She would dress the models and then it was up to me to find a spot at our location and light it.  So I was terrified that the professional models would know that I had never done this kind of work before.  We were shooting at a modern college with all kinds of interesting concrete structures.  So I would ask the model if she could go over to a particular spot for a shot.  I was not sure how to suggest a pose to her but I didn't know how.  So I remember saying "Is there something you could do here?"  And WHAM! She struck an amazing pose!  Then after shooting that one, I asked if she could do something else, and "WHAM" another great pose!  So I learned that when working with professional models, we were a team, we worked together and we each had our own skills, and when we worked together, we could create great photographs!  So we had fun, too.  Every once in a while we would do something funny, just for laughs.  We were working on the roof of a building in Manhattan, and after we were done I saw that door and asked if we could a fun photo and both of the models agreed. So I put the camera on a tripod and did this pose and Edie snapped the shutter, then we all laughed at how silly this was!  Oh, I forgot to say you are seeing this photograph because I found the old color negative when cleaning out the darkroom, and then used my Nikon film scanner to make this positive digital image.



Anonymous said...

What year was this? You look annoyed rather than terrified. A look I have never seen before. Funny!

Anonymous said...

This photo made me laugh because of your “wary” expression. Love seeing these old photos as I really never got to see the work you did all this yeas ago! Wonderful seeing it now. Keep it coming! Betsey