Saturday, July 20, 2024

And The Reporter Asks...

And the 4-year old reporter asks me:  "Why are you wearing the same thing today that you were wearing yesterday?"  I guess that says it all, doesn't it!  From out of the mouths of babes...



Anonymous said...

This is so funny and cute!! She is adorable! Kids notice a lot more than we think! Trace

Anonymous said...

She is so cute. She is very observant. Did you tell the reporter that you wear the same outfit probably 340 days a year, but have branched out to a few Hawaiian shirts! :-)

Anonymous said...

Miss Vivian is sure observant! You have really branched out since you retired wearing colored dress shirts, jeans, Hawaiian shirts and more…Betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your comments and your acknowledgement that I have widened my choices of clothing since retiring! :-) But I will confess that I was wearing tan cargo shorts, and... wait for it... A white short sleeved shirt!