Thursday, July 4, 2024


We had a wonderful evening on this July 4.  Kathy and Amy and Vivian and I went over to our friends the Gordon's for the annual fireworks show.  Everyone brought a salad or a dessert and so we had something to eat before the show.  What was really nice, was that in addition to Amy and Vivian being there, Nancy and Larry's two daughters were there and we haven't seen them in years!  So it was a great reunion.  I don't think this was my best year for fireworks photographs.  A lot of the photographs are just one color like mainly blue.  There didn't seem to be as many red fireworks as usual, but maybe that might my memory.

I don't remember seeing a firework like this before, with that sort of pinwheel top.  I shot a lot of images but just wasn't as happy with the results. But the evening was so nice seeing friends that come to this as we do, once a year.  A great way to celebrate my birthday!



Anonymous said...

Enjoying an evening with family, friends and fireworks is the best. Happy the weather cooperated yesterday. You got some good photos. Love the fireworks over the water and all of the boats.

Anonymous said...

Great! Did sweet Vivi like them too!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful shot of the boats in the water. The second photo reminds me of a Ferris Wheel. It is perfect! But the best part is having a family reunion with their daughters. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday.

Ken Spencer said...

Vivian enjoyed looking at the fireworks and didn't seem to be worried about the flashes and bangs.