Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Inside the Mansion

I hope these interior photographs of a few of the rooms don't get tedious to look at and read about.  So I will be brief.  This is one of the guest rooms in the mansion, for weekend guests visiting the Vanderbilts for horseback riding, golf, tennis, swimming and formal dinners and dancing.

A marble bust in a niche on the stairway leading to the second floor.

This is Mrs. Louise Vanderbilt's bedroom, and I think that the park ranger said it was based on Marie Antoinette's bedroom?  Why a bedroom needs a heavy wooden wall around the bed is beyond me.  Maybe to keep her husband out?

OK, so here's where I reveal my ignorance.  I cannot imagine why someone would choose these two marble statues for under the mantlepiece of the fireplace in the first floor entrance room.  I would love to know what they signify, though.  They are, to me, bizarre.

What a magnificent tapestry!  This is just stunning.  I do not know what it represents, but it is just beautiful.  And the artistry on the wooden chest, if that's what it is, is just astounding.  Once again, no clue on my part who made these, or the date, sorry to say.  Touring the mansion and seeing these rooms and architectural details and artwork was a wonderful and enlightening experience.



Anonymous said...

I enjoy touring the mansion through your photos. So lavish with a little bizarre thrown in. :-)

Anonymous said...

It’s amazing to see the extravagant lifestyle of the Vanderbilts. Huge rooms, exquisite furniture, draperies, so much detail in the woodwork. WOW! I really enjoyed your photos. Betsey

Anonymous said...

The artwork and architecture are amazing in the mansions of this time. Great photos. Trace