It may be work, it may be play, it may be near, it may be away. So here is the challenge - to shoot and post one photograph a day on this site. These photographs are a kind of diary of things I find interesting. I am also thinking that there will be days when I am unable to shoot, so on those infrequent occasions, I will post a photograph done on another day, but one that still feels important to me. - Ken Spencer
Friday, September 14, 2007
"Nocawana?" What? OK, maybe I am imaging this, but we have had friends who lived in North Carolina for years, and I *think* that when Liz and Amy were just tykes, that one of them would try and say the state's name, but it would come out "Nocawanna." I think this is true. Or maybe not... Anyhow, here is a photo of a US Airways Airbus 319 in cruise at FL 380, enroute from LaGuardia, to Charlotte, North Carolina. I am on my way to the Antique Telescope Convention, held this year at the Roper Mountain Science Center in Greenville, South Carolina. I drove the 80 miles from Charlotte, rather than fly directly here. I love the colors in this photo - the deep blue sky, and in this light, the wing is nearly the same color as the clouds, and those really sweet, clean dark lines in perspective that go off to the end of the wingtip. Just a bit mysterious at first glance. This photo would not work without the bright yellow winglet.
that was ME ME ME!!! it's jen syed here. i'm the nocawanna inventor. love your blog. inspiring photos and tidbits.