Saturday, October 27, 2007

Two Hundred!

I hope you won't consider this excessive, but this is a portrait of me. When logging in to post on the blog last night it told me that last night's post was the 200th in my blog. I am kind of proud of that, that I have kept at this, each day, for 200 days. I am kind of driven to do this project, which is not a bad thing, and it is rewarding, keeps me on my toes, and keeps my "radar" running all the time, always looking for new ways of seeing things. So I thought that there might be a couple of new readers who don't know what I look like. Well, now you know. Wish you didn't? :-) The portrait, by the way (credit where credit is due) is by Karen Stabile - the "Quilt Lady" who I photographed a couple of weeks ago in the studio with one of her quilts. I asked her do to a shot of me while were there, and this is what she came up with, and I like it a lot! OK, no more wreched excess... tomorrow I am back to posting real photographs...

1 comment:

  1. You look like a happy, satisfied person. A life well done.
