Sunday, January 27, 2008

Beautiful Light

There was deck of gray clouds overhead most of the day today, but just before sunset the sky cleared at the horizon and the sun's light shown through. It was a more brilliant orange than I ever remember seeing. By the time I noticed the light, I only had a minute or two to grab the camera and shoot this before the light faded. It was simply stunning to see the orange light on the trees against the gray sky. The frustrating thing is that the color will be so reduced in the image displayed on the blog. Please double click the image to see it in full color.


  1. Well, this photo looks like nothing... Imagine this photo with four times the amount of color saturation! Yikes.

  2. Whoa! That is ORANGE. Holy heck, you really do need to click on it to make it bigger and appreciate how gorgeous the photo really is.
