Sunday, February 24, 2008

Use Caution, Please

Well, SPAM has come to my blog... sigh... Some of you no doubt have seen posts in the comments section that say "jon says..." or "click here..." there was another one tonight. Thanks to Mary Jane for first pointing this out. If you click on one of those links in the comments section, it takes you to a website that purports to scan your computer for viruses, and of course says it finds them! Even if you have a Macintosh, which does not get Windows viruses. Anyhow, the posts themselves are harmless, as long as you DON'T CLICK on them. They are not comments in the first place, so we get taken in by our curiosity. It is still OK to go to the comments to see what has been written. And even if you do click on a link, it will not be fatal. It is better not to do it. I thought it was important, after three of these posts in the last two weeks, to gently warn my faithful readers.

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