Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The New Camera

So I have to turn in the company cameras on Friday. I couldn't stand the idea of being cameraless for even a day, so last Friday I ordered a new Nikon D300. It arrived yesterday and so I had to start learning the new things that it does. Focus modes are are a big issue for me, so I wanted to understand them fully. So I was sitting in my easy chair trying out each of the modes. I held up my hand to make the camera focus close, then I would remove my hand and watch the autofocus move to the background. Then suddenly I looked at the PICTURE in the viewfinder, and realized that it was really interesting! I have told you all about and how his daily photo blog is inspiring to me - he does a lot of "different" looking photos and I always *think* of ways to do that, but never quite end up with really different images. But this one IS different. I have no idea of what it means, but I like it for its difference. The color is so much better in the original, by the way.

1 comment:

  1. Ken, I really love the dynamic between the hand and the rocking chair. It speaks to my time of life, too.
