Thursday, August 14, 2008


Thunderstorms moved through again today after dinner, and this always makes for interesting possibilities. I was headed down to a meeting and the first thing I saw were the Shore Road trees, edge lit by the setting sun, with the dark gray sky of the thunderstorm in the distance, and I couldn't take time to stop to shoot it. I did a quick snap with the toy camera while at the stop sign. That's for another day. Then I was driving through the business district of the next town, and saw a brilliant rainbow. The only thing was, that the sky was blocked with really tall high tension power poles! I drove along looking for an opening, but there was none. After a few minutes, I drove by a cornfield, and there was the rainbow, but it had faded some. I made the shot anyway, but wished for more brilliance. Click on the image to see it larger and with more saturation.

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