Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And Now For Something Completely Different...

"And now for something completely different." as Monty Python was so fond of saying. Something different indeed! Maybe this is pushing it, however. These are my feet, as dirty as the feet of a coal miner, I think. What a surprise when I came down off the roof - that was such a dirty job, tearing down the old chimney. The dust of the crumbling mortar, and the black soot from the coated bricks in the chimney. I couldn't believe how dirty I was, - face, hands, arms, shirt, pants, and this was the final surprise just before I took a shower! I just knew you would all want to see this... Or not! :-)


  1. Do you know the expression "a little too much information" :-)

  2. i would never have been able to pick your feet out of a line-up, who knew? but i like this. feet are so real and so important to all of us, and yet we so rarely see one another' strange. but thanks for sharing yours!
