It may be work, it may be play, it may be near, it may be away. So here is the challenge - to shoot and post one photograph a day on this site. These photographs are a kind of diary of things I find interesting. I am also thinking that there will be days when I am unable to shoot, so on those infrequent occasions, I will post a photograph done on another day, but one that still feels important to me. - Ken Spencer
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Sentinel
I went out to visit my alma mater, Rochester Institute of Technology today. I graduated from there way back in 1964. But I was at the old downtown campus, and this is the "new" campus which they started building in 1966. It is an amazing place, and has grown dramatically over the years. Anyhow, I went there for a visit today and saw this new sculpture on display. It is called "The Sentinel" and is by local artist Albert Paley. It is the largest sculpture at any American university. I have only shown a detail of this monumental structure. I love this, because without any explanation, this image would be a mystery, I think. Believe it or not, this is a color photograph.
A little known fact is that the color of winter skies in Rochester, New York inspired the invention of the professional photographer's favorite tool, the 18% gray card and also prompted Geoge Eastman to found the Eastman Kodak Company.