Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Society is Known...

If a society is known by its architecture, India has the Taj Mahal to represent its culture, and Greece has the Parthenon, and we have this? A parking garage at Roosevelt Field shopping center? I came out of the shopping mall the other day, and was struck by the light on this building. The tree was there in front of me. I moved in front of the tree to eliminate it, but moved back behind it because I liked having the tree in the photograph. It made the photograph more complex, and the contrast of the black trunk and branches added more interest. Then the thought occurred to me about what archaeologists would think about us as a people when they unearthed this structure in the future. What a disappointing thought...

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your stories much more than the thought of our buildings & parking garages that last only 20 or 30 years....and then we tear them down like the New Haven Colliseum & garage. So much for modern architecture!
