Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Animal Tracks

There was something new in the side yard the other day - animal tracks!  I have no idea, of course, what kind of animal made these, but they were an interesting pattern in the otherwise blank canvas of the snow covered field.  Now here is the quiz...   What is the subject of the photograph?  While I was shooting the photograph, I suddenly realized that the picture was as much about the shadows of the trees on the snow, as it was about the tracks.  Did that suddenly "flip" the photo for you - to help you to see it in a completely different way?


  1. Well, I gotta go with "animal tracks" as the dominant feature of this photograph. I will also suggest the tracks were made by a large dog and not a low slung animal like a cat, coon or possum.

  2. Your eye catches the tracks first - until you give us another lesson and we see the shadows. Do you have deer around you?
    I have several deer tracks in my yard and you would not imagine seeing that on a busy corner.

  3. I'd go with Ken Schwarz guess that it was a large dog...except for one thing. With the leash law I haven't seen a dog wandering about for years...literally years. So, it's a puzzle. But I also go with the assessment that your eye goes right to the tracks.

  4. Hmmm, good question. Fun game! I like that you asked the question, it made me look for a little something more...
