Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Liz!

Today is Liz' birthday! When she was little, she would say her birthday was on "March Thirty-Thirst," which of course, tickled us to no end! Anyhow, she is in New York for nearly a week, and so we got to go in to the city and hang out with her for a few hours, and then go to dinner at a restaurant downtown. Someone at a nearby table had a dessert delivered to their table with a sparkler in it, and everyone applauded. So naturally I had to let the owner know about Liz, and she got a sparkler too. A sparkling end to an absolutely lovely day!


  1. Happy Birthday greetings to Liz from South Carolina

  2. Happy Birthday to Liz! You look great!

  3. Happy Birthday Liz!! You do look great-and on television too(saw you yesterday!)

  4. Love the new short do - noticed your photo in Morocco but wasn't sure if it was pulled back or chopped...you look happy! Betsey

  5. Happy B-day Liz! I wish I could have been there, too! But I'm glad Mom and Dad got to spend the sparkling night with you. :) xoxo
