Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The New Bike

"The New bike?" What? This is a picture of a rocking chair! OK, OK, I will explain. Now that I am traveling around town doing errands with my bike instead of my car, I discovered another plus to the process... I went to the Post Office the other day, and on the way home, even though it was raining, I didn't go directly home - I started riding around on some of the narrower streets that I wouldn't drive along with my car. And since this isn't my racing bike, I am riding more leisurely, instead of hammering for my whole ride. The reward is being able to see so much more than I would in the car. This shot is proof of that. The beautiful yellow rocking chair jumped out at me from some distance away. Stay tuned to see if I find other photographs this way, in my bike travels.

1 comment:

  1. Did it jump out at you because it matched your new bike? :-) Lovely inviting home!
