Saturday, August 29, 2009

Robin's Egg Blue

There is a privet hedge on the property line on the west side of the house. I haven't trimmed it in a couple of years, and it has probably gotten ten feet tall. So I have set about trimming it back down, and while cutting deeply into the hedge, I found a nest, and in the middle of the nest was one blue egg. I haven't seen a Robin's egg since I was a kid. I used to find the broken eggs in nests when climbing trees. This one is whole, but it has a crack in the bottom, and some goo was oozing out. For some reason the egg never matured. It was so cool to see a Robin's egg after all these years. I didn't photograph it where I found it - I put on top of some other greens I trimmed from an evergreen tree to photograph it.

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