Saturday, September 19, 2009

Under The Stars

It was a gorgeous day today, with a sky bluer than I had seen in months. Since it was also New Moon, I decided to head out to the east end of Long Island to Custer Institute in Southold where I am a member, to do some observing. Southold is 76 miles and an hour and a half away. It is a long way to go, but it is worth it - it is one of the few places on Long Island where you can still see the Milky Way. I love looking at the sky - I think it makes an inner connection for me, something deep and sublime. As much as I love observing, I really love showing the sky to others. There was a group of six - 3 adults and 3 teenage girls who came buy hoping to look through a telescope, and I spent an hour showing them some of the highlignts of the heavens. They really enjoyed their time at the eyepiece. Then I spent the next three hours looking at some familiar objects, and I went looking for some that I haven't seen before. When I left at 1:30 AM I was filled with this wonderful sense of renewal - something about looking at the stars connects with the spiritual within me.


  1. 1:30 AM is way past my bedtime! The feeling you get watching stars is roughly what I enjoy about watching a morning sunrise over water. Although, I am not always up at sunrise, I do enjoy my early morning mug of coffee at the dock at the end of our street and watching wildlife searching for food and starting a new day!

  2. Jas: The thought of me getting up in time for sunrise is so traumatic, that I now have to go lay down and take a nap! :-)

  3. You are such a wonderful & inspiring teacher. I am sure the people enjoyed it so much more under your guidance. I loved looking at the stars with you in Mexico & Grand Canyon.
