Friday, October 16, 2009

Nice Neighborhood

I ride my bike by here every day. For the last year, they have been digging enormous amounts of sand out of this place. Originally it was a giant hill, but over time most of the hill was taken away. Then they started putting in those concrete block retaining walls. This photo does not begin to show how many walls there are, how far they extend and how high they are. It was obvious that this was going to be a development of new houses. MacMansions, most likely. Well, I watched the first house go up, and couldn't believe how it turned out. Can you believe that they placed the house what looks to be six feet from a wall that towers over the house? Are you kidding me? Who would want to live in a house like that? I am guessing that there are no windows in the side of the house that faces that wall! Yee Gads! Well, maybe it is for people who don't go outside, and spend all their time in their family media center room. They don't need daylight, or a view of the sky. I am anxiously awaiting the location of the next house to see how close they put it to this one. One day I will ride my bike up there and show you a panorama of the whole place when it is done.


  1. I love the old homes with lots of windows for the sun to shine through and be able to see what is around you....even if it is traffic at the corner!

  2. Yes, me too. You would think we grew up in the same house, you and I... :-)
    Your Brudder
