Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Wall

So, back to my visit to the New Museum last week. On the way there, I passed this wall, and was amazed to see how much it curved and leaned - away from the sidewalk, fortunately. I started looking through the camera to find the view that showed the lean and the curve the best, and then I noticed this woman walking toward me. I thought she added interest, so I waited until she was almost to the edge of the frame and shot the first photo. (The shadows of the trees, one on the wall, and one on the sidewalk are interesting.) I liked the shot, but realized that it was more about the woman than the wall. I walked around back and discovered that they have propped up the wall, so it won't fall over. The wall is obviously quite old. It surrounds the Old Saint Patrick's Church, which was dedicated in 1815! A woman who was going into the church, obviously a member of the parish, said that plans have been made to rebuild the wall. The last of these photos is from the other end, and shows more dramatically how much lean and curve really is in the wall.

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