Saturday, November 21, 2009

Burned to the Ground

It must have been thirty years ago that I stopped to photograph this abandoned farmhouse for the first time. I just photographed the outside, but what was really cool was an old rusted truck next to the house that was covered with weeds and vines. I didn't give the house much thought each time I passed it in the ensuing years. Then about 5 years ago or so, I realized that the house was gone. It was overgrown, but I thought I saw the chimney. Today I took the time to go investigate it, and this is what I found. What an amazing thing to see - the chimney still standing and the old cast iron bathtub in the basement. Can you find it? I have posted an extra large image so you can see more details.


  1. Scenes like this bring back memories of the family farm in Virginia. Today, the barns and out buildings are gone - long since decayed by time and weather. There are two old stone foundations left: one was for the cook's house about ten yards from the main house. The other stone foundation was for a small barn located in the "little pasture". It's very sad that the family has left the farm called Music Hall and that the two remaining houses are now rented. The property was purchased in the mid 1920's by my great grandmother (on my mother's side). I lived there when I was about three to age six. Life was very happy and simple in those days!

  2. You didn't make that photo large enough for me to find the bathtub, Ken. Where is it?

  3. Chuck: Click on the photo to enlarge it. Then at the base of the chimney you can see the old furnace. Just beyond that to the right is a small gray rectangle - that is the bathtub. It shows better in a photo from the other direction.

  4. Glad you described where the bathtub is. I was looking for a white claw foot tub and could not find it either. Never thought to look for a gray box!
