Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Something New

I just typed the title "Something New" and laughed, because clearly what I have photographed today is not new! When I was photographing the remains of this garden today, I was trying different ways of looking at this subject. Then I began to have the feeling that I was seeing this in a different way than I normally would. It just feels like a new way of seeing, perhaps in some small way. But different, nonetheless. In case you are curious, this is the remains of this year's Chinese wisteria, and it is in the beautiful West garden at the Eastman House in Rochester, one of my all time favorite places.


  1. The remains...of Fall. Winter will be around the corner.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. This is lovely uncle Ken. The composition is really nice, and I like the detail on the inside of the arch - my eye notices it because of how the tree branch extends to the right. The tree is fascinating too, especially how it wraps around itself like a vine. beautiful!
