Thursday, December 10, 2009

2:10 AM

I stayed up way to late last night, and while getting ready for bed in the dark, my eyes began to adapt to the darkness and I saw all these shapes from lights outside the house. There is a streetlight out front illuminating the two distant bedrooms, and a neighbor's backyard spotlight is shining through the lace curtains to illuminate the wall in the right foreground. I love that this is unexpected, and different than anything I have shot before. It was REALLY interesting to begin to see more details as I became more dark-adapted, and then finally, to realize "Hey, this is a photograph!" For the technically inclined, my ISO was 3200 and the exposure time was 30 seconds at f/2.8


  1. This is a neat photo. I'm glad you mentioned the exposure settings; I would have hurt myself trying to figure out how to set the camera to capture this scene.
    Hand held or tripod?

  2. Hi Ken, I am still reading your blog regularly - and I love it too. This photo is superb! Looks like dream.
