Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ancient History

Well, not really ancient. Liz made this sculpture by making a sand mould and then pouring plaster of paris into it. When she was done, she hung it on the side of the garage where it has been for some time - I actually have no idea how long. Today I liked the light on it, and it has weathered some over time. So I photographed it. The surprise was when I turned it over, I found Liz had dated it - 1995! Wow, has it been there this long! I love the weathering, and actually I am surprised that the whole thing hasn't dissolved by now, but for some reason the rain and the elements haven't seemed to affect it much. I do love that it looks like some Aztec sun god.


  1. I think you should send this into the CBS Sunday Morning show - their motif has always been "suns".
    All kinds of different sun art has been shown over the years. Just an idea...bsk

  2. This is brilliant! I will find out about how to do that. Thanks!
