Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Found, The Mysterious Driveway Shoveler!

This post is not about the photograph, which is a shot I took this morning when I went out to look at the clean driveway. It is our front picket fence buried in snow. The exciting news is that I found out who my driveway cleaning benefactor is! The story is even better than I thought! This morning I was listening to the phone messages, and Tina, across the street called Saturday and left a message and said that her husband Craig had just bought a snow blower, and she offered to lend it to me. Ah-Ha! Then Judy, the neighbor who lives next to us told an even better story... Craig, having fun with his new toy, first cleaned his driveway, and then went to his neighbor Gene, and cleaned his driveway, and THEN, he noticed that Judy was shoveling her driveway, and since he was having so much fun with his new toy, went across the street and cleaned Judy's driveway! Judy has been taking care of our two kitties for us, so when Craig started cleaning her driveway with his snow blower she came down to our driveway, and she started shoveling, so she could get up to the front door to feed the kitties. Craig, seeing this says: "What are you DOING?" And she said we were away, and she needed to feed the cats, so now Craig comes down to our house, and cleans his fourth driveway of the day! And Judy shoveled the steps and the porch. Lucky us! Isn't that a great story? Aren't these wonderful friends!

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