Friday, December 18, 2009

Living On The Edge

Today I went to visit my friend Jimmy "Moose." We were college roomates back in the day, and are still friends after all these years. His current job is that of Chief Building Engineer & Facility Manager for a brand new 28 story condominium in Los Angeles. I got the full tour, and then he took me up to the helipad on the roof. It is not for commuting - it only there for a worst-case scenario if there is a fire emergency - if residents are trapped they can be airlifted off the roof. Anyhow, Jim loves scaring himself, to we took turns posing at the edge of the helipad! Man, this was nuts. Loved that hollow feeling in my stomach standing there! :-)


  1. Yikes! When I pulled up today's post before reading the text and before enlarging the photo, my initial impression was that you superimposed your image onto a rooftop scene. I guess your high ladder work fixing chimneys and shingles prepared you well for heights! Fun photo!

  2. I am weak in the knees just seeing the photo. Great shot but too scarry for me! :-)
