Sunday, December 27, 2009

Third Day of Christmas

So the real Christmas season lasts for 12 days. That's good because I have some other Christmas photos that I didn't use the days I shot them. I always shoot any possibilities that I see. Sometimes I find a better photograph later on, which happened this past week. So I will take advantage of the 12 days and show you some other photos I took but haven't posted yet. I saw this tree near a bank before going to California. It was at night, and wasn't very interesting, because it was surrounded by black. I made a note to come back at dusk. Imagine my good luck when I returned from the west coast, and there was snow all over the ground! I realized I had a much nicer shot, so went back at dusk. The blue is pretty, isn't it?


  1. Yes, beautiful.
    So does your "silence" mean you won't be posting your mom's gingerbread recipe?
