Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Venice Beach School Bus

The sunday before leaving California, we all went to Venice Beach to walk up and down the boardwalk and enjoy all the sights. That means people watching, the most fun thing to do on the boardwalk. There is Muscle Beach, and now there is a brand new skateboard park, which is astounding to watch in operation. But then I saw this school bus. I thought this was just a brilliant work of art. Who would have thought to do this? Just brilliant! A guy in a battered motor home a couple of parking spots away said the bus was for sale. $200. I immediately reached for my wallet, thinking that if I bought this, I could save the airfare home. Alas, not enough money in my wallet. Oh well...


  1. Thankfully your neighbors were spared.

  2. How funny. You are a kid at heart! Good thing your wallet was empty.

  3. Oh, too bad - what fun! bsk
