Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dinner with Bobbie

I had dinner tonight with my friend Bob. We try and have dinner every 4 or 5 months, just to keep in touch, and to talk about life and work. We ate at a wonderful restaurant called The Lake House, and we got to sit by a window and look out at the lake. As it got close to dusk, I took out my small camera and was taking a few shots out the window, when suddenly these two geese flew toward us taking off. Click. One shot. Got it.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! It should be framed. I would like to be sitting in the adirondeck chair.

  2. That WOULD make a really beautiful framed picture.

  3. I agree with your sister and the other commenter, I would like to have this photo framed. You know my address.

  4. You asked for it, you GOT it... :-) Hey, what are friends for, anyway? :-)
