Thursday, June 23, 2011

Roasting Coffee Beans

I am a coffee brat. Yup. No excuses, no apologies. I hate crummy coffee. For years I roasted my own coffee beans. When you roast your own beans, the coffee is as fresh as it can be. And I can roast it to exactly the degree I like - not too light, not too dark. Well, eventually my coffee roaster died, and I replaced it with another. That one died too after some years. So now the newest one has arrived, after being unavailable for a couple of years, and I am a happy camper once again. These machines roast coffee by making hot air and blowing it up through the green beans, and the beans fly up in the air and all around until they are roasted. You might think that roasting coffee would smell wonderful, but you would be wrong, as I was. It smells like burning rope! Yuk! So I have to roast it out on the porch, and this day it was late in the day so the setting sun gave a warm glow to the beans as they roasted.


  1. Your downwind neighbor will be delighted to hear this.

  2. I remember you showing us your roaster a few years back. It was not the pleasant aroma I would have expected. Happy your new machine has arrived.
