Saturday, January 14, 2012

Almost Famous

So this is cool... A videographer from a local media outlet contacted me because he wanted to do a story about people who build telescopes and make mirrors. I have built a number of telescopes but I don't have any under construction at the moment, so I suggested that the students I am working with be included in the story. So we began at Jess' house and he did video of them working on grinding their mirror, and then interviewed them about the process. Then we all came here, and I set up three of the telescopes I have made. He did video of them, and then interviewed me, and I spoke of the joys of amateur telescope making. The completed video should be up on the web in a few weeks. Oh, the green? The photographer was not comfortable with me photographing him at work, so in order to post the photo on the blog, I had to take him out of the picture. Thus, the green.

1 comment:

  1. Sam would have loved to be able to change his boss into a large, green cutout.
