Monday, January 23, 2012

The Challenge

For me this is a tough time of year to look for photographs. Today it was gray and drizzling outside. There was none of the lovely light that I can find at times when the sun is shining. Gray and drab. So I wasn't looking forward to having to find a photograph today. I looked out the dining room window toward the herb garden, and saw the silhouettes of the dead plants against the snow. I spent about 30 minutes looking and shooting, trying to find the most interesting shot. I started with wide-angle views of many plants together, and ended up coming in close to just one plant - in this case, just a single stalk. It was difficult to edit, and to pick the most effective image. These photographs that I did today are, for the most part, about the structure of plants. These stalks are absolutely fascinating, and so beautiful, when examining them closely. It helps to have the snow behind the plants, to set them off from the background.

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