Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Annular Eclipse

OK, I know this looks strange. I did not bring a telescope with me to Chaco, and I did not bring a long telephoto lens, so I really had no way to photograph the annular eclipse. I just decided to watch the whole event with my giant binoculars - 16 x 70 Fujinons. But when it got to annularity, I suddenly thought to use my Canon S-90 and try and take a shot through the eyepiece of the binos. This is the result. What you see is the entire disk of the sun, blocked by the entire disk of the moon, leaving a "ring" - an annulus. It is not a great photo, but at least I have some record of the event.


  1. Clever. You did not want to lug a telescope for miles while hiking to your destination? Nice photo.

  2. No, airline security and carry on limits are just a hassle, so I didn't bring a telescope, or long telephoto lens to New Mexico.

  3. What you show here actually looks to Sam more like the real thing than the usuall filtered telescopic shots. He's seen these things over billions of years... .

  4. I really like this shot because it's not typical. Looks more like a marble or bead :-)bsk
