Friday, September 14, 2012

Worked On

"Worked on" is what photographers say when they have made adjustments to a photograph. In the days of black and white prints made in a darkroom with an enlarger, "burning" and "dodging" were techniques of darkening and lightening individual areas of the print. Now that we work digitally, some of the techniques are different, but the effect is the same. Generally, I make very few changes in the images I post, but in this image, I darkened the sky a bit to give it detail, and then the grasses in the foreground were too dark to reveal their patterns, so I lightened the whole foreground area, and then increased the contrast just a bit. The trick here is to not have any changes that I made seem obvious. I hope this looks "normal" to your eyes.


  1. A beautiful photograph of one of my favorite scenes!

  2. Beautiful. I love the grasses.

  3. Not a place to lose a contact lens... . Or an eyepiece.

  4. Lovely! Never would have known it was enhanced...bsk
