Thursday, October 18, 2012

Architectural Treasure

I had to go over to St. Ignatius Retreat House for a meeting tonight. I have photographed this building every time I go there, and although I don't always post a photograph, this building is so amazing that I can't help myself from photographing it. I looked more closely to see what other views there were. All the other photographs were distant views of the building and all the chimneys. This is the front door of the building, showing one of the marble columns, and the delicate ironwork on the glass door. By the way, that door is SO heavy, it takes a lot of strength to get it open.


  1. Beautiful with the light behind the doors.

  2. A place like this needs a deep gongy doorbell and Lurch answering the door with a hearty "You Rang".

  3. I LOVE the blue - WOW!
    This picture is my newest screensaver :-) bsk

  4. Thank you all for your comments - even "the photo dude!" It would take Lurch to open the door, I kid you not.

  5. Getting the door to open for you to reach spirituality is always laborious, but worth the effort.

