Saturday, November 3, 2012

Friday Post - Hurricane Sandy, 5

This is what it looked like in the house after the sun went down each night. Reading by candlelight, dinner by candlelight, more reading by candlelight, Trivial Pursuit by candlelight. I guess I never realized how much time I spent watching TV, doing email, and surfing the web! I mean, I love to read, but reading by candlelight is tough on the eyes.


  1. candle light and quiet are very nice things!!! when we lost power last year during the hurricane, i got solar powered outside lights, charged them outside during the day and brought them in during the evening.. they last quite a while and some can give very good light.. enjoy the peace! :)

  2. Nice picture of Aunt Kate and the very content looking cats. Looks cozy and warm (even though I know the heat is what's missing.) I hope you guys get your power back soon. I know last year after about four days of no power or heat,we were starting to go a little nuts!! Trace

  3. Hi Trace:
    Yeah, four days just about does it for us, with no light, no heat, and no internet! We realized that we are seriously addicted to TV and the internet in the evening! How sad is that! :-)

  4. Hi Ken, I am beginner photgrapher adn I wonder how you can take such a clear picture with low light.
    Can you share with me how you took this picture?

    Thanks, Maria

  5. Looks really cozy with the cat sitting on Kathy. Great idea about the solar powered lights. I use an old battery powered camping lantern. Works really well. bsk

  6. Hi Maria: My apologies for not seeing your comment sooner. The camera I used for this is a Canon S-90 point-and-shoot and I was using an ISO of 400 (which is like "film speed" in the old days.) The exposure was 1/3 of a second. I took about 6 photos at that slow shutter speed, and not all of them were sharp. The S-90 is a slightly more advanced point-and-shoot, so maybe the quality is a bit better than an ordinary point-and-shoot. But I would suggest that whatever camera you have, that you just try and see what you can shoot with it. It might be better to use an ISO of 800 in such low light. I hope this helps.
