Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Magic Tree

The weather was strange today - there were snow flurries that started and stopped, and then some freezing stuff, then some rain, then more snow flurries.  It was all delicate enough that it clung to the branches of my magic tree.  I have photographed this tree with snow on it, and after an ice storm, but it never quite looked like this.  One thing I did, because of the house and the car in the background, was to shoot this with the lens aperture "wide open" meaning that the focus would only be in a narrow area - only some of the branches in the foreground are in sharp focus.


  1. On a day that produces such relaxing beauty the very air itself has a special clean fragrance. Remarkably, the visual impression also reminds me of the time when all the white flowers on the cherry trees appear!


  2. A lovely observation! Thanks for making a connection between the ice, and Spring blossoms! I can't wait for Spring blossoms.
