Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Someone is Asleep

At the astronomy meeting tonight, we had a slideshow in the planetarium dome, about some of the objects in the sky that we look at during Spring. It was a well-done talk, with a lot of technical details.  The problem is, that the planetarium has been recently completely rebuilt, and it has REALLY comfortable chairs. It is not unusual for members to fall asleep, especially when the lights go down when we have a sky show, and the entire planetarium is dark.  I thought I would take a few pictures for the website since the lights were on.  I was using a telephoto lens from some distance away, and that's when I saw that one of my subjects appeared to be asleep, even with the lights on.


  1. Ha ha, the situation was funny ^^ I really enjoyed it.

  2. Thanks for your comment! Glad you enjoyed the photograph.

  3. A planetarium, when used for a sky show (not for a movie) is a truly wondrous and comfortable environment. Having worked in these places for decades, I did my best to make sure that my audiences always felt soothed when they left.



  4. I wonder if Laser Rock will be returning? Then again if No Smoking doesn't only apply to cigarettes, it just wouldn't be the same anymore.
