Friday, June 14, 2013

The Birthday Girls

Today was Kathy's birthday.  (There will be no numbers talked about here...)  Liz and Amy wanted to make sure that Kathy didn't feel older, so they came up with the idea of getting some house dresses and some gray wigs, and dressing up, so that Kathy would be the youngest looking woman in the room.  Oh, and they got me involved, complete with house dress and wig.  Liz and Amy are SO creative to think of this, and when the three of us came down the stairs singing "Happy Birthday" I thought that Kathy was going to pass out, she was laughing so hard!


  1. If they ever remake Mrs. Doutfire, you have earned an audition.

  2. So what's so unusual about this? In some parts of Florida, everybody looks like that!

    What? No mah-zhongg stuff?
