Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I've Been Busy... :-)

OK, so this is weird...  Today's photographs are not about photography.  This is a little unusual for my blog, but it feels as if I need to respond to some of the issues brought up in my "I Give Up" post.  Actually I have been busy, working on stripping part of the front porch floor and the front stairs.  I built these stairs about 15 years ago, and after too many coats of paint, just a new coat of paint was not enough.  Time to bite the bullet and do the tedious thing - strip them down to bare wood and repaint.  I am doing this to the front porch floor as well.  It feels so good to complete a project like this, because it looks so good.  Good for the soul.  You know, to finish a project...   :-)


  1. Extraordinary patience and skill, Ken. Well done.

  2. Very nice job!
