Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Nibbler

The smokestacks that stand alone, are now coming down.  I wondered how they would do that, because there is not enough room around them to use explosives to topple them.  I had a chance to talk to one of the workmen, and he said that a "nibbler" would come in, and be lifted by a crane to the top of the smokestacks.  The nibbler has hydraulically operated jaws, and it is placed on the top of the masonry and it just chews its way down.  Every time a bunch of bricks fall all the way down, a cloud of dust could be seen.  It is amazing how much is gone now.  I will have to post before and after photographs.

1 comment:

  1. The thought of something chewing its way down a pole has to be unsettling to most men.
