Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It is About the Shadows

First thing I had to do this morning was shovel the driveway.  I felt that I didn't have time to look for pictures until I got the work done.  Then I went looking for a pretty picture in the snow.  In the Fall, Kathy asked if I wanted her to leave these stalks standing, when she was cleaning the garden.  I said "yes" because they are fascinating to me.  But the stalks alone are not enough - it was the dark shadows of the trees curving down the small hill in the background that made this special. I think in this case, the picture is really about the background.


  1. Strange shadows. They look like they are from overhead wires rather than trees. ???? Pretty with dried stalks agains the snow. Kathy was preparing for a photo op!

  2. They actually are thin tree trunks - there are no wires in the back yard. I don't know why these stalks interest me so much, but they really do.
