Thursday, January 2, 2014

Keep Pretending I Am Not Home...

Betsey asked for more photographs of El Matador Beach, so here is another one.  It is really a spectacular landscape, and it looks so different from above and from below.  I keep meaning to do some searching on the web to learn how it was formed.  There are similar landscapes, of large rock outcrops on the beach, on beaches up in Oregon and Washington State.  I am guessing that pieces of the cliff fell off into the water, but I want to know more about the geology.  I will be sure and let you know what I find out. (So far I did find out that the name of the beach is EL Matador Beach...)


  1. I also love the beach scenes. Gorgeous scenery. I also like seeing the birds in the picture. They must have been interesting to watch. Trace

  2. So Beautiful!!! Especially nice to see after all the snow and the frigid temperatures here on the east coast!! Thank you! :)

  3. Thank you for this picture of Matador Beach :-) Love the huge birds perched on the rock forms - looks other worldly...bsk
