Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Kitty is Looking...

OK, we need to establish this from the start - I have no idea which kitty this is!  I happened to have had the close up lens on the camera when this kitty came by, near the window.  The light was perfect, and the camera was handy.  I just love the intensity with which she looks at whatever she's looking at. It is also fun to be using a lens that focuses so close, and then I become aware of so many small details in her coloring and her whiskers. You must click on the image to see a larger picture with detail that is spectacular!


  1. I love the shallow depth of field. What lens did you shoot it with?

  2. I think this is the coolest cat portrait that I have ever seen! Fantastic coloring and details!

  3. I love the colorations in her eyes! bsk

  4. Beautiful cat, beautiful photo.


  5. Thanks everyone! I am so glad that so many people commented on this image. I used a 60mm Micro Nikkor lens, at f/4

  6. Her eyes are very green so its Bebe!
