Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Picture I DIDN'T Take...

I went to get a haircut today.  Actually, I got them all cut...   har de har, har...  Anyhow, I go to a nice hair salon called Lucia's.  It is always full of women, and just me, and I am OK with that.  While I was waiting on the couch, a beautiful 4-year old girl, with gorgeous curly hair came over to this table and started leafing through a magazine.  What a great shot there was, right in front of me.  But photograph a young girl who I don't know?  No way!  Maybe years ago, but not now.  I wasn't even tempted to try and take a shot.  So instead, I did this photograph of the girl's lunch that her mom brought for her to eat.  Maybe an interesting shot, but it doesn't hold a candle to the portrait you will never see.


  1. I was tempted to comment on your choice of going to a women's hair salon for a hair cut - but I will let it pass. Oh, and a nice black and white photo of the little girl's lunch, by the way!

  2. And just for the record, I go to a very inexpensive family barber shop ( for men, women and kids - but mostly men) and always have my hair cut by "Debbie" every third Thursday unless she happens to take a day off. Did I say I was compulsive?
