Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Gnome Garden

I had a delightful experience this afternoon!  A couple of weeks ago, leaving the recycling center, I drove by this gnome garden, but didn't have the time to stop.  Today after I went to the Post Office I decided to finally check it out.  As I was approaching the front yard, the woman who made this garden called out from the front porch.  Here name is Rose, and she is a jazz singer!  So she told me the story of the garden, and about a number of the individual gnomes and where they came from.  She was thrilled that I wanted to photograph her creation.  I love the big gnome sitting on the chair - it is so detailed.  I had such a nice visit with Rose - we must have spent half an hour just visiting, and the conversation made my day.  Isn't that what life is about, meeting others and finding out what their passions are?


  1. Love the big one in the chair. Makes me smile!

  2. That is what life is all about.. so cool!!! :).. the story and the pics
