Saturday, July 4, 2015

Born on the Fourth of July

Back in 1988 we were having a staff meeting and they were looking for a summer story for the magazine.  Jokingly, I said "Why not do a photo essay of people born on the Fourth of July?"  Everyone laughed.  Then the editor came to me a week later and said he liked the idea.  So I set about finding celebrities who were born on the 4th.  Mitch Miller was the first one I called, and he said "Sure!"  I called Ann Landers because I had been to Chicago and photographed her a couple of times before and she agreed, so I was on my way.  I wanted to have everyone with the colors red, white and blue.  So this is her portrait.  I also photographed her sister, Abigail Van Buren, and George Steinbrenner, and Ron Kovic among others.  Oh, and they ran a photo of me, since I share that birthday as well.


  1. Hi Ken-

    Happy Birthday! Still your b-day here in AZ for 18 ore minutes! It is my sister Kathy's birthday too. She has 3 (!) new grandkids this year and she spent time with them all attending a parade in small town, IA where they live. Sounds like they had a great time. And tomorrow, they are having a surprise 40th anniversary party for them as other family members arrive to celebrate. wish we could have made it. Hope you had a great day! -Dean

  2. I remember seeing a copy of the magazine. Hard to believe so much time has passed since then.

  3. I remember seeing a copy of the magazine as well. I thought it was so neat that you painted a baseball bat in red, white and blue stars and stripes to present to George Steinbrenner. You additionally painted a basketball similarly to present to another July 4th birthday person, known for his skills on the court, but whose name I don't remember at the moment. You also gave Ann and Abby flags, the one Ann Landers is holding in her photo.

  4. I remember the magazine piece. I was impressed with all the people you were able to photograph. Enjoyed the articles, also. Weren't you lucky that your boss liked your idea! bsk
