Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Strangest Fried Egg in the Universe!

Is this the strangest fried egg that you have ever seen?  Ever?  It was one of the choices at the free breakfast offered by the hotel we were staying at in Watertown.  Several in our party were seen eating these, but I chose to have instead, a bowl of raisin bran cereal.  Guess why...   :-)  I mean, this thing looks REALLY strange.  So I have spent time trying to figure out how it was made.  I think the manufacturer separated the yolks from the whites, and then used some plumbing to squirt a dollop of each somehow in this shape.  One of the mysteries of the universe!


  1. The bagel & sausage look good but I would not eat the egg. It looks fake and overcooked.

  2. No human hands ever touched this egg. It looks like it was processed by machines. That might not even be a real yolk - just some yellow dye applied to the cooked whites to make it look more like an egg. For that matter, it may not be a real egg. But I'm judging the book by its cover. Maybe it was yummy. Maybe you should have tried it. After all, how many of us get to taste the food of the future? This may be what your great-great grandchildren carry in their pockets because they're more nutritional than cashews.

  3. By "Manufacturer" do you mean the chicken?

  4. The more I think about this, the more I am tempted to call the hotel and ask what these things are called, and who manufactures them. And I don't mean the chicken... :-)

  5. I'm thinking of the poor soul whose breakfast got cold because you had to take a photo :-) bsk

  6. Hey - I just ate one of these eggs at a Comfort Inn in Utah! Any update on the formation of these?? I am very intrigued because it was the weirdest egg I have ever had.

  7. Okay hi everyone, I did a little investigating - roughly $0.33 UDS per patty with "fried egg attributes" lolz!!!!!! http://www.foodservicedirect.com/product.cfm/p/21270597/Egg-Patty-Over-Easy.htm?gclid=CjwKEAjwxurIBRDnt7P7rODiq0USJADwjt5D_d4-wP3McjUbbPy1zyzM56E3CiCniLGBbjt_M8IpVhoC9D3w_wcB

  8. these hotel chains seem to have them Comfort Inn, Hampton Inn, they are disgusting, we were at Comfort inn in Summerset NJ this weekend and as I was expecting there they were for Sundays breakfast so I passed and had a few minnie muffing and my friend ate the fake egg and got sick
