Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Phragmites at Sunset

I went for another walk today, down to where the old power plant was located.  It is a three mile round trip which is good for exercise.  It also takes me along the harbor, and past the double rows of Sycamore trees, and then by Scudder's Pond, and later, by some remaining industrial structures.  It is a gold mine for photographs, in my experience.  I am always taking landscapes of the harbor and I photograph everything I see, even if I have photographed it before.  I can't help myself.  When I stopped to photograph at Scudder's Pond I did some wide angle photographs, and then thought of Dean's admonition, "get closer."  Well, this will not be close enough for his liking, but it is closer than what I usually do.  That's a start, right?  The setting sun, of course, is what makes this so beautiful.


  1. Love the delicate nature of this picture. How lucky you're able to explore the landscape and look for the best visual rewards along the way.

    Regarding your image from yesterday, I believe that the female figure with the scythe is an angel of death. Maybe the child represents one who was lost. Maybe it's just the home of someone who has a dark side.

  2. I love the softness and color of this photo. bsk
